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        A crucial role of architecture is to improve a space than what was previously there. The Museum of the City asks to explore and create meaningful architecture that responds to its urban context. The aim of the project is to utilize volumes of center and volumes of line in order to create a museum that corresponds to a site in Charleston, SC.The Museum of the City is located on the corner of Water & Church St. A creek used to run through the site and as a result the existing buildings are orienting both orthogonally and adjacent to the street.

        The Museum is created by shifting two cubes along the regulating lines of the surrounding structures.The museum is designed to exemplify aspects of Charleston. The corner site created a set of unique challenges. The  first cube holds the integrity of the street. The skin of the volume is shifted upwards to reveal a public display of the museum and the city. The second level contains private gallery space. The volume of line opens to a second story exposed walkway that allows the viewer to experience the structure within the context of its site. 

Museum of the City

Class: ARC 202: Environment

Instructor: Burak Erdim

Spring 2016

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